Fluids & Its Properties & Types

Noise Sense Bluetooth Wireless in-Ear Earphones with Mic (Jet Black)


FluidsFluid is a substance that is capable of flowing and deforms continuously under the action of shearing stress.

Fluids may be divided into three types -
(a) Liquids
(b) Vapours
(c) Gases

1. Liquids- Liquids offer great resistance to compression and are affected by the change of temperature. Liquids are practically incompressible. It can withstand a small amount of tension due to the intermolecular attraction between its particles and which causes a shear resistance between two adjacent layers.

2. Vapours and Gases- Vapours and Gases are highly compressible. Any change in pressure and temperature will change their density. In gases, the mean distance between the molecules is very large in comparison to liquids and the intermolecular forces of cohesion are less.

Vapors differ from the main gases because the Vapours are also subjected to condensation and evaporation of the moisture. 

Properties of fluids are as follows:

Density or Mass density - The density or Mass density of a fluid is the ratio between the mass of fluid to its volume. It is denoted by 'ρ'. 

Mass density, ρ=Mass of fluid / Volume of fluid


Unit of mass density is SI unit is kg/
The density of water is 1000 kg/m³ or gm/c

The specific weight-specific weight of a fluid is the ratio between the weight of a fluid to its volume. It is denoted by "w" and is also known as weight density.

Specific weight,                                                           
    w = weight of fluid /Volume of fluid.


       =Mass of fluid x g/ Volume of fluid

(Since the mass of fluid /Volume of fluid is also used for density.) 
So                       w=ρg

The unit of specific weight is N/m³.

The specific weight of water is 9.81KN/m³.

Specific Volume - Specific volume is the ratio between the volume of fluids to the mass of fluids. It is denoted by "v". 

Specific Volume = Volume of fluid / Mass of fluid 

More, specific volume = 1/mass of fluid /Volume of fluid 

(Since ρ=mass of fluid /Volume of fluid) 

So                           v=1/ρ

The unit of specific volume is m³/kg.

Specific Gravity -  Specific gravity is also known as relative density. It is defined as the ratio of the specific weight of a flute to that of a standard fluid. For liquids the standard fluid is water and for gas is it is air. It is denoted by "S". 

S=Specific weight or density of fluid/ Specific weight or density of water or air. 

For liquid S= Specific weight of liquid / Specific weight of water

So specific weight of liquid = S x specific weight of water 
= S x density of water x g
= S x 1000 x 9.81 = S x 9810 N/

Similarly, the density of liquid = S x density of water. 

(Specific gravity of mercury is 13.6)

Basically, the fluids are classified into 5 types and these are

1. Ideal fluid
2. Real fluid
3. Newtonian fluid
4. Non-Newtonian fluid, and
5. Ideal plastic fluid

1. Ideal Fluid: A fluid that can not be compressed and have no viscosity falls in the category of an ideal fluid. Ideal fluid is not found in actual practice but it is an imaginary fluid because all the fluids that exist in the environment have some viscosity. there is no ideal fluid in reality.

2. Real Fluid: A fluid that has at least some viscosity is called real fluid. Actually, all the fluids existing or present in the environment are called real fluids. for example water.

3. Newtonian Fluid: If a real fluid obeys Newton’s law of viscosity (i.e the shear stress is directly proportional to the shear strain), it is known as the Newtonian fluid.

4. Non-Newtonian Fluid: If the real fluid does not obey Newton’s law of viscosity then it is called Non-Newtonian fluid.

5. Ideal Plastic Fluid: A fluid having the value of shear stress more than the yield value and shear stress is proportional to the shear strain (velocity gradient) is known as ideal plastic fluid.

Noise Sense Bluetooth Wireless in-Ear Earphones with Mic (Jet Black)


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